We have sole distributorship agreements with some of the world’s leading manufacturers and have been their local support for more than 25 years. We also keep an eye on new developments in the market and expand our range with the best we can find.
Apart from simply being the best, there are several additional factors that we consider when deciding on new suppliers. These include:
Factory training;
International accreditation, to name a few.
We have been fortunate to have a growing list of international suppliers that allow us to target almost the entire spectrum of air quality monitoring, including:
Continuous emission monitoring for gaseous, particulate, velocity, stack temperature and pressure;
Ambient air quality monitoring for all the current criteria pollutants;
Portable combustion analysers for stack / source measurements;
A Full range of isokinetic source emission measurement instrument;
A range of portable FTIR instruments;
Full systems integration for data management and control.
In addition, we also have agreements in place with local distributors of meteorological equipment and shelter construction, allowing us to be your one stop solution for air quality management.